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It is important that you are able to afford any payments that you make. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, we recommend that you speak to one of our Collections Agents before making any payment.

We will be happy to review your current circumstances and assist you to complete an Income and Expenditure review so we can reach an affordable and sustainable repayment plan.

You can do this by calling us on 0800 917 0932. (Please note calls may be recorded for quality, training and compliance purposes).

The Financial Conduct Authority has produced a leaflet which lists not for profit organisations that can provide free and impartial debt advice. A copy of this leaflet is available by clicking here.  If you are already in touch with one of these organisations please let us know and we can deal with them directly.

If you are making payment because the money was not available on your monthly direct debit date, please note we will automatically re-apply for the payment.  You will be notified by post and the direct debit will be processed again within 7 days from the letter date.

Making a payment can be done by one of 3 methods:

  • By making an electronic bank transfer (through your online banking facility or via a branch transfer).  We do not charge for this facility but your bank may do so.  The details are as follows:

Payee: Northridge Finance (depending on your agreement)

Sort Code: 56-00-05

Account Number: 21339406

Reference: Please quote your 12 digit Northridge Finance agreement number.  If this number is not quoted there may be a delay in the payment reaching your account.

  • By Debit Card*.  We accept Debit Cards from any UK bank. (Maximum payment of £10,000 and Credit Card payments are not acceptable).  Please note that Northridge Finance is part of NIIB Group Ltd, and your email receipt/statement on your account will show as payment to “NIIB Group Ltd”.

Payments may be made by clicking here.

*This service is available 24 hours a day.  Please allow 3 – 5 working days for payment to clear.  Sometimes participating retailers will ask you to enter a password if you have registered with a ‘Verified by Visa’ or ‘MasterCard SecureCode’ scheme.  We cannot accept online payment for any other service or for payment of any other Bank of Ireland product.  If your card is not registered in the UK, our payment facility is unable to accept an online payment.  Any personal information that you provide will only be used to process your payment.

Worldpay logo
We use a third party, WorldPay, to collect all payment details and process payments made through our website.

  • By Cheque.  Payable to “Northridge Finance”   Please write your 12 digit agreement number on the back of the cheque and post to:
    Northridge Finance
    5th Floor, Bank of Ireland,
    1 Donegall Square South,
    Belfast BT1 5LR